The goal of my work
The goal of my work is to weave the wisdom and potency of acupuncture and Chinese medicine into a broader framework in order to support healing and transformation at the heart of our being — the psyche, soul, and spirit.

The goal of my work is to weave the wisdom and potency of acupuncture and Chinese medicine into a broader framework in order to support healing and transformation at the heart of our being — the psyche, soul, and spirit.
If you are newly dropping in to my work or coming back around to see what I’m up to lately; if you are an acupuncturist who feels the need for more depth and magic in your practice, or you are just here to sign up for a course or supervision session, or … if you are a wanderer who has floundered upon this strange shore after years of searching for a different way to heal … Welcome! I am grateful you have come to join me on the journey.
I’m an acupuncturist, psychotherapist, teacher, and author whose passionate focus is on the intersection of traditional Chinese medicine, depth psychology, spirituality, and Taoist and European alchemy. I touch the bodies, souls, and spirits of human beings with needles, moxa, plant medicines, poetry, stories, images, tears, laughter, and dreams.
I have studied with human teachers in this dimension – European Five Element Acupuncturist Professor J.R. Worsley, Zen Peacemaker Priest Claude AnShin Thomas, Focusing Founder Eugene Gendlin, Jungian Analyst Nathan Schwartz-Salant, and trans-public intellectual and post-activist Bayo Akomolafe. I have studied with more than human teachers – the quarry ponds, ocean tides, songbirds, fir trees, lady slippers, puffball mushrooms, sphagnum mosses, burdock weeds, and ice age stones – of the cove in Downeast Maine where I live. These, as well as teachers from other dimensions – the sages of ancient China, the revolutionary European mystics of Kabbalah and consciousness, wise wimmin whose names have disappeared like white feathers in the clouds – have guided me in the development of the work I call Alchemical Healing.
Our years of collaboration in life and work have been my classroom. The community, program offerings, and healing services you’ll find here are an expression of our shared dedication to caring for soul – in ourselves, in others, and in the world. As the director of A New Possibility, I am committed to nurturing a culture of curiosity, kindness, and love, one where people support each other in becoming the best version of who they are meant to be so that together we create a more generous and just world.
4 PDA Points: Gain a deeper understanding of the unique insights that the five spirits of Chinese medicine offer to the meaning of health. Learn More.
With Jessie Shaw. 27 PDA Points: A brilliant presentation of material that merges the philosophy of Jean Gebser, spiritual practice, and a deep look at evolving consciousness to guide healing work. Learn More.
4 PDA Points – provides 2 PDA Points for Safety and 2 PDA Points for Ethics required by the NCCAOM for recertification: Lorie presents her original approach to understanding and maintaining safe yet flexible boundaries … helpful both personally and professionally! Learn More.
4 PDA Points: Gain a deeper understanding of the unique insights that the five spirits of Chinese medicine offer to the meaning of health. Learn More.
10 PDA Points: A journey to deepen your relationship to acupuncture points through Lorie’s transformative touchstones of five of her favorite spirit points. Learn More.
3 PDA Points: Lorie presents her original work with the Yi spirit to offer you a fuller understanding of this often-overlooked yet crucial aspect of any human life. In Wu Shen—the Five Spirits, the spirit of the Earth represents the aspect of your nature that supports you in holding steady with your commitments, practices, and goals throughout your lifetime. Learn More.
Caveat: You do not need to have formal training in Chinese medicine or depth psychology in order to become an Alchemical Healer, although terms and concepts from these and other modalities are part of the work. In weaving together strands from various ancient and modern traditions, the ultimate goal of this work is to support the emergence of a crucial shift in consciousness on our planet, a project in which each and every one of us is being called to do our part.